The Correct Way To Store Cold Pressed Oils
Cold Pressed Oils if not stored properly have a tendency go rancid much before their expiry date. We usually store oils in our kitchen where they are most easily accessible and sometimes these accessible places are where sunlight comes or the temperature is a bit on the higher side.
Warm temperature and sunlight can break the oil and make it bad much faster than you can realise. Another point that is to be noted is to prevent the oil from oxidisation, if you buy a big bottle of oil, we suggest you to take some oil out of it for everyday cooking and just refill it whenever need be. This would help prevent oxidisation of the oil. Cold Pressed Sesame Oil that are more delicate in nature and are recommended to be stored in refrigerator, it may turn cloudy but when left outside for approximately 30-40 minutes it would somewhat return to its usual texture.